Had a great (and torturing) time doing Inktober this year but sadly I only manage to get 29 done. use Zebra brush pen, color ball pen and coffee. Hope you guys like it.
1. Poisonous
2. Tranquil
3. Roasted
4. Spell
5. Chicken
6. Drooling
7. Exhausted
8. Star
9. Precious
10. Flowing
11. Cruel
12. Whale
13. Guarded
14. Clock
15. Weak close up
15. Weak
16. Angular
17. Swollen
18. Bottle
19. Scorched
20. Breakable
21. Drain
22. Expensive
23. Muddy
25. Prickly
26. Stretch
27. Thunder
28. Give close up
28. Give
29. Double
30. Jolt